Spring Escape HTML and prevent XSS attacks

TL;DR – If you think the context-param isn’t working, make sure you’re not outputting the value on the page somewhere not inside a spring form.

I ran into an issue recently where after a security scan was ran we were told when you enter a variable into the URL i.e. ?endDate=someJavaScript it was being executed on the page. Assumed it was an easy enough fix, so googled around and found, this solution for Spring Framework


I put that into the web.xml, restarted and it didn’t work, so I tried adding the page level and form level tags, but those didn’t work either. After messing around for a few hours I realized there was another place on the page where we were outputting the variable endDate, and it wasn’t inside a spring form.

What defaultHtmlEscape does is add that parameter to every spring tag in your application, pretty obvious in hindsight, but what I needed to do was make sure everywhere those values were displayed that they were displayed using a jstl c:out tag, i.e. <c:out value="${endDate}"></c:out> which also defaults to not allowing HTML to be rendered.

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About Matt Busche

Software Engineer and Wheel of Fortune Expert If this article helped you, please consider buying me a book.

Des Moines, IA https://www.mrbusche.com